Whether it’s that cool tribal band you had to have on your bicep or the peace sign with an orchid on your lower back, your tattoos are transmitting messages to coworkers and potential employers. Salary.com conducted an intensive survey and gleaned results that show visible tattoos at work could be having a negative effect on your job and potential earnings.
A study from Pew Research Center found that almost 40% of people between ages 18 to 29 have at least one tattoo on their body. So why is it still such a big deal to employers?
Tattoos and Your Credibility
Of the nearly 2,700 people we surveyed, 12% reported having a visible tattoo that can be seen by managers and coworkers during the workday.
76% of those who took the survey feel tattoos can hurt an applicant’s chances of being hired. 39% believe employees with tattoos reflect poorly on employers and places of business. 42% of those surveyed feel that visible tattoos are always inappropriate at work.
We’d like to add that only 4% of those who have tattoos reported facing any sort of discrimination due to their ink. Of course, people might not be aware of discrimination.
Age Definitely Plays a Factor
To give an overall sense of the picture, 42% surveyed feel that any visible tattoos are inappropriate in a workplace setting. A person’s age plays a sizable role in tattoo perception as well.
The younger generations are most likely to have tattoos, but there is one surprise. People aged 26-32 years actually edged out the 18-25 demographic range (22% to 21%, respectively). This number drops drastically with age, bottoming out at less than 1% of people aged 60 and older possessing a tattoo. It is between these age groups that a very clear difference of opinion emerges regarding tattoo appropriateness in the workplace.
In short, the older you are the less tolerant you probably are regarding tattoos. 22% of people ages 18-25 were accepting of tattoos in the workplace setting while 63% of people 60 and over find tattoos disagreeable at work.
Try to Use Common Sense
If you’re getting a tattoo, that’s a personal decision. But remember to think about the big picture. If you’re working at an exciting startup with relaxed policies, you might consider a tattoo more seriously than you would if you were working for an established Fortune 500 company. Also keep in mind that more and more employment sectors are opening up to the idea of tattoos in the workplace daily.
If you need your tattoo removed to get that job you’ve been trying to land, contact TattooRemovers.ink today.